Explanation of Pages/Structure:
All of the image galleries are separated into three indexes - Stage, Exhibitions and Other Projects. These Indexes are technically not visible to the end user. They are just there for organizational purposes. The galleries within the indexes are the “working” galleries. These galleries are where you would go to switch the order of images, add or delete images.
The galleries themselves are then pulled into a page with a summary so that they can be displayed properly to the end user. These pages are the ones that start with the LB. Anytime that you update a gallery within the Indexes (as I mentioned in the paragraph above) it will automatically update these LB pages so you never have to worry about them.
The URL slugs for these LB pages are then attached to the main image for that gallery located within the WORK index. Basically, every main image in the WORK folder can have a Clickthrough URL. The clickthrough URL contains a basic code piece (#lightbox>plus the pages URL that we want to show). This code allows the page to Lightbox open rather than jumping the end user to another page.
When you create a new gallery, you will follow these steps:
Create a new image gallery in it’s appropriate gallery Index (Stage, Exhibitions, Other Projects)
Create a new blank page and title it LB plus whatever the project name is. In this blank page, add a Gallery block with a Stacked layout and select Existing Gallery and locate the new gallery that you just created. Make sure that Show Title and description is toggled off. Save the page.
Open the settings for this new page and copy the URL slug for that page
Go to the WORK index and select the gallery that this project will go into.
Add a main image for this gallery that will display as the “opener” for the gallery
Click the Settings wheel for this new main image and click Options then Clickthrough URL
Add #lightbox> and then paste the page’s URL that you copied on step 3.
For Instance, if you named the page LB New Project, the URL slug for that page would be lb-new-project so the clickthrough URL on the video would be #lightbox>lb-new-project